The Benefits of Chemical Peels


Chemical peels are restorative cosmetic procedures that help treat many skin conditions. The treatment seeks to reduce signs of aging by diminishing the appearance of fine lines, pore size, wrinkles, and more. The procedure also helps treat acne scars, pigmentation, uneven skin texture, and sun damage. 

During the chemical peel procedure, a dermatologist applies a chemical solution to the skin to peel away the damaged skin cells. This makes room for the growth of new, healthy skin. Many people can enjoy the benefits of chemical peels. 

Treating Acne and Acne Scars

Chemical peels are often used for treating acne and acne scars. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by blackheads, whiteheads (pimples) scars, or bumpy marks on the skin. The condition is usually treated using topical products and medication, but chemical peels can also help. 

The treatment can help break down plugged hair follicles, reduce oil production, reduce inflammation, and kill bacteria. A chemical peel can also increase the absorption of topical treatments. The peel helps exfoliate the top layer of the skin, removing dead skin cells. 


Reduce Signs of Aging

Chemical peels help reduce signs of aging on the face. Some of these signs include: 


  • Wrinkles

  • Fine lines

  • Age spots, brown spots

  • Dryness

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Sunspots 

  • Skin roughness that usually comes with age

After the chemical peel, the skin grows back, triggering the production of elastin and collagen. The treatment lifts the skin, making it strong and supple while reducing the appearance of wrinkles. The new skin is smoother, reducing dryness and roughness. 

Treating Hyperpigmentation

An important benefit of chemical peels is to treat hyperpigmentation. The procedure can reduce uneven skin tone, freckles, melasma, and surgical scars. It can reduce the appearance of injury scars, dullness, and discoloration caused by sun damage. 

People with a dull complexion can benefit from chemical peels. The procedure resurfaces new skin, helping the complexion to look healthier and brighter.

Minimizing Pore Size

Some people have large pores that can be a sign of aging, or it can be genetic. Chemical peels can reduce or minimize pores. The procedure removes the outer, damaged skin layer, leaving the pores looking smaller. The non-invasive treatment also helps balance skin texture.

There are different types of chemical peels. The different peels are usually classified according to their ingredients. There are light, medium, and deep chemical peels. As with all cosmetic treatments, not everyone is a good candidate for chemical peels. Talk to a dermatologist to find out if the treatment is right for your skin condition. After getting a chemical peel, you should avoid the sun as the skin continues to heal. 


For more information on chemical peels, or to schedule an appointment, call Green Dermatology & Cosmetic Center at our office in Deerfield Beach, Florida at 954-481-0650 today.


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